1. Improve How Your Thyroid Functions

    If you have, or suspect you have, thyroid problems, then you’ve probably figured out that making lifestyle changes can positively impact how you feel. Below I’ve listed many diet tips that you can implement into your life so that you can better support proper functioning of your thyroid. Diet Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as dandelion greens, carrots, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, collard gr…Read More


    In the very fast paced world we live it, it is so important to take moments each day to be grateful for all of the various aspects of your life. Anything from appreciating the relationships you have surrounded yourself with to acknowledging the stranger who smiled to you on your way to work. Here are five ways gratitude can greatly improve your daily life: A More Present Lifestyle Being grateful a…Read More

  3. How Outdoor Exercise Improves Your Mood and Health

    Getting outside for some exercise improves not only your health, but your mood as well. On average, people spend an astonishing 87% of their lives indoors. Between work, spending time in your home and commuting, there is little opportunity to be outdoors. However, outdoor exercise is proven to have positive impacts on your health. So get out there and reconnect with nature, it’s good for you. He…Read More